Friday, June 3, 2011

Moriarty to Longhollow Ranch

Mark Mocho left his hangar door open and keys for his truck when we arrived in Moriarty. The next day Bruce checked out Bob Carlton's TST Bonus Jet. Bob took me up for an hour soaring flight in the jet powered glider, my first in this type! The jet engine is very automatic and easy for the pilot to control, probably easier than other piston powered self-launchers. Plus it is very cool!

Then we left Moriarty for Lee Clauser's Longhollow Ranch, south of Dallas. Lee has a beautiful property, airstrip, hangar, and workshop. All he needs is a plane like the Phoenix!

Once again it was blowing like stink so we couldn't risk more take-offs or landings so unfortunately Lee did not get a flight in the Phoenix. He did take us on a fantastic tour of the surrounding countryside. Here is a shot of Longhollow Ranch from a distance.

Wild turkey in the wild flowers (Indian Blanket) of Texas.

This was my second visit with Lee and Bev, and they are the epitome of Texas hospitality.

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