PhoEnix with the capital E in the middle spells the new electric powered PhoEnix from Phoenix Air. Conceived for the NASA CAFE Green Flight Challenge, the PhoEnix is purpose built for a race. A race that offers big bucks for the winner, but with a bar set so high that it is unlikely that anyone will win it. But if any aircraft can do it, the PhoEnix can!

The PhoEnix features a modified Schempp-Hirth Discus wing raised up and back on the fuselage to make room for the retractible gear.

The gear will be electrically driven, and swings back into the wheel wells which are located in the baggage compartment of the original Phoenix.

The wings are 14.5M long, and are optimized for the 100mph speed required over the 200 mile course.

The race will start on July 10 just north of San Francisco. From what we have managed to learn of the other 12 entrants, the PhoEnix will be one of the top contenders for the prize.
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